More than one direction ^

My friend Zack is always excited about the future.  He is the type of person you like to sit next to during meetings in hopes that his enthusiasm will rub off on you.

Zack has an amazing energy, and being around him reminds me that I need to look forward every once in a while.  It is so easy for me to stay focused on the minutia of the every day, working from task to task, one by one. 

Zack, on the other hand, has his eyes set on months and even years from now.  He can easily see what is possible, envisioning today’s dreams fully manifested. 

His reminder to “look forward” helps me stay balanced, something I greatly need.

A few years ago, I was introduced to the 8 Dimensions of Wellness.  I appreciate this description of wellness as it feels more comprehensive than the ways we normally discuss self-care. 

Social Wellness, one of the eight dimensions, is the need for healthy relationships and connections.  When I think of the people I am closest to, I can easily identify all of the ways my besties and I are alike.  That may be because we experienced childhood together, or because we love doing the same things.

Because of our connection to each other, I know there are people in this world that “get me”, just as I “get them”.   They hold a special place in my heart and are most definitely a part of my social wellness.

And so is Zack. 

Not because of what we have in common (though he does enjoy great restaurants, too).  He is important in my life (and my sense of wellness) because of the ways we are different. 

By having a friend who sees the world the way he does, I am constantly pushed to broaden my own perspectives.  Where I like to plan and strategize, he is spontaneous and hopeful.  He takes chances I can only dream of, something I envy greatly.  He shows me another way to navigate this world and a different lens through which to view it.

Having him in my life pushes me to be a better version of myself.

When we talk about self-care and wellness, we almost instinctively expect calm and tranquility.  In my opinion, the opportunity to get uncomfortable a bit, to stretch and grow in new ways, is an important part of being a healthy, balanced individual.

Just ask Zack. 

He can tell you just how fantastic being uncomfortable now will turn out to be later. 


To laugh or cry?