Second Chance to Get it Right
I couldn’t possibly calculate the odds. It was my first trip to the airport in over a year, you see. And my hometown is at least 2,500 miles away. I can’t even imagine how many different train cars park at Terminal E throughout the day. Regardless, there she was.
I am not okay.
January 5th was day two of training. I had the pleasure of spending time with a wonderful group of high school educators excited to take a deep dive into Restorative Practices. And then January 6th happened.
A Year Stronger
Two days ago I recognized the one year anniversary of my breast cancer diagnosis. Which means that I have struggled to communicate what this experience has been like for exactly one year and two days.
From the Outside Soaking In
I was walking home in the rain last night. It was not as serene as it may sound, absolutely nothing like the pivotal “life makes sense to me now” moment in a romcom.